Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Procrastination

When I was in grade seven, I was given a project on ancient Egypt by my teacher. When the criteria sheet was given out it seemed like a fairly easy project and that it was not going to take a great deal of time. That was my first mistake. Second, I worked on my project when there was nothing else to do but when more pleasurable things came up like watching my favourite TV show or if my friends called I did that instead. My third mistake was that when I read through the criteria sheet I missed that it specified that our paragraphs must be typed not written. I am very slow at typing. The day before the project was due I reread the criteria sheet and realized how little I had done. I needed to find pictures, write three more paragraphs, type the paragraphs, print all of the things out, cut them down to size, glue them to the poster board, and finally to do finishing touches on the poster board to make the presentation look better. I started to panic. I cried for a bit before my mom heard me. I explained the situation and she gave me a lecture on procrastination which only made me more upset. After a big long hug from my mom the tears finally stopped flowing. I worked really hard with my mom, dad, and brother well past midnight and we got the project finished. Like Macbeth I pushed off this task because it was unpleasurable. What finally prompted me to do my project was time, but for Macbeth it was his inner desires as well as the pestering from his wife. Fortunately for me, I got my project in on time and I learned a valuable lesson; to never procrastinate again.

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